Det regnet heldigvis ikke hele tiden vi var i Oslo, så på torsdag da været var greit dro vi til Grünerløkka og gikk rundt der en stund, før vi dro til Mathallen og spiste lunsj. Jeg sliter sånn med slike steder, rett og slett fordi det er FOR mye mat å velge mellom! Vi var ikke kjempesulten akkurat da, så vi endte opp med en god toast. Grunnen til at vi dro dit var egentlig fordi vi ville ha churros, for jeg hadde lest en plass at de hadde churros der, men det viste seg at det bare var en pop-up shop… Skikkelig skuffende, vi har nemlig cravet churros siden vi spiste det for første gang i Barcelona i fjor. Dere må smake det om dere får muligheten, det er SÅ godt!! 

Luckily it wasn’t raining the entire time when we were in Oslo, so on Thursday when the weather was OK we went to Grünerløkka and strolled around for a while, before we went to Mathallen (food hall) and had lunch there. I’m struggling with places like that, simply because it’s TOO much food to choose from! We weren’t really hungry at that time, so we just ended up having a good toast. The reason we went there in the first place was actually because we wanted churros, because I had read somewhere that they had churros there, but it turned out it was only a pop-up shop… So disappointing, we’ve been craving churros since we had it for the first time in Barcelona last year. You have to taste it if you have the chance, it’s SO good!!

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